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Participatory Performance with John Sharp

Perfection!, Brooklyn, 2020

Left: participant creative research took the form of a ‘time machine’ linking 16th century and 20th century galleries in SMK. A live feed connected the two, allowing museum visitors to engage with one another from ‘different time periods’. Visitors could activate pre-written interaction prompts, or write their own. Above left: young visitors encouter the 'time machine' in SMK's 16th Century galleries. Below: interactions between visitor in 16th and 20th Century galleries.

To test new methodologies in creative research, participants investigate either a specific place or a specific emotion—anticipation, surprise, trust, and disgust, for example. Using principles of game design, social practice, and sociological theory woven into a mindset and methodology for creative research, partipants work in small teams and create interactive projects over the course of a single day, a week, or two weeks.

This ongoing work has been performed with students at Politecnico di Milano in Milan (2019, 2021, 2022) and Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts School of Design (2019, 2023) in collaboration with SMK, the National Gallery of Denmark.

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”PERIOD: The Game“ was the result of creative research of disgust. Players had to connect terms and concepts associated with menstruation before their menstrual cup (filled over time) overflowed. This project was created by Polimi graduate students Letizia Bianchini, Chiara Libralon, Dorsa Rafiee, and Shivani Sankar.

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“Wild Talks,” a conversational trust-building game resulted from one group’s creative research.

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